

B.Sc. in Biostatistics & Population Sciences
The syllabus of the B.Sc. in Biostatistics & Population Sciences, besides compulsory background courses and courses of general interest, includes advance subjects in the field of Biostatistics – and Demography, alongwith Public Health, International Classification of Diseases & Deaths and Statistical Softwares. The B.Sc. in Biostatistics & Population Sciences course will provide trained manpower, for the sectors needing to churn data for decision making.

What will they learn?
Students will gain specialized knowledge and skills required to teach subject matter, and design, monitor and manage Research in Medical and Allied fields.

Internationally and nationally the demand for trained Biostatisticians and Demographers far exceeds the availability. Furthermore, the course adds value to medical practice, healthcare and research and they will also be eligible for National Services like IAS, IPS and Indian Statistical Services (ISS).

Pre-University Course/12th Standard of any Board with Statistics/ Mathematics with minimum 50 percent marks for General category, and 45 percent for SC, ST and OBC will qualify for admission to B.Sc. (Biostatistics & Population Sciences, Honours).

Total Intake – 21

Selection Procedure
To maintain high academic standards, the selection of students will be by Personal interview from shortlisted candidates.

Evaluation and teaching schedule:
The course will include theory classes followed by practical assignments comprised of six semesters of three years duration. The practical assignments will be evaluated for the Internal Assessment marks. Average marks obtained in practical assignments, and an examination as replica of final examination before final examination in each semester, will be the Internal Assessment marks.

Six Semester students will also be the members of consultancy teams for data preparation, analysis, cleaning, analysis and interpretation of thesis data of Ph.D. and other Research Scholars of the University. As per their research assignments and interest they will qualify for Honours in Biostatistics or Demography.

The merit students will be eligible to compete for their M. Sc. in Biostatistics/Population Sciences.

Students are expected to have 80% of total attendance in theory and practical’s. However, students will be expected to cover missed theory and practical classes, giving extra time after discussing with the concerned teachers.

Medium of instruction: English
Course Fees: As per University norms
Duration of course: Three years of six Semesters

Examination pattern & Others details

Examination pattern & Others details

M.Sc. Biostatistics

Eligibility for M.Sc. (Biostatistics):
Graduates with Statistics/ Mathematics from any recognized university from Karnataka or other university with minimum 50 percent marks for general category, and 45 percent for SC, ST and OBC will qualify for admission to M.Sc. (Biostatistics) course

Syllabus of the Course

Duration of the Course: Two years of four Semesters

Certificate in Biostatistics
The syllabus of the Certificate Course in Biostatistics, besides compulsory biostatistics subject matters, includes subjects of interest; Research Methodology. The Course is tailored, to provide sufficient knowledge to Health discipline; faculty/ scholars/ and P.G. students to plan, conduct, analyse, and interpret research findings.

What will they learn?
Students will gain specialized knowledge and skills required to design, monitor and manage research in medical and allied fields.

Careers in health and medicine teaching and research
Certificate Course in Biostatistics, will add value to Medical practice, Healthcare and Research.

Faculty, Scholars and P.G. students in any Health and Allied disciplines or M.Sc. Statistics with working experience in Health and Medicine disciplines are eligible.

Total Intake – 21

Selection Procedure
Selection will be by – Personal interview

Syllabus of the Course

Intensive course in Research Methodology & Biostatistics

Weekly schedule for Regular students

Objective: The Intensive Course is designed to gain specialized knowledge and skills required to design, monitor and manage research in Medical and Allied fields. Intensive Course in Research Methodology and Biostatistics covers syllabi of Applied Statistics of Medical UG/PGs.

Furthermore, the syllabus of Intensive Course is made keeping in mind Ph. D. Entrance Examinations of various Universities.

Topic Contents
Basic Statistical Methods (18L+12P)
  • Application & Uses in Medical Research
  • Methods of Presentation, Measures of Central Tendency
  • Measures of Dispersion,
  • Theoretical Distributions
  • Correlation and Regression for Qualitative and Quantitative
  • Probability Concepts
Methods in Epidemiology (16L+14P)
  • Parametric & Non Parametric Tests
  • Concepts & Methods for calculating Sample Size
  • Sampling Techniques, Study Designs
  • Assessment of Diagnostic Tests
Introduction about Thesis Structure & Topic (5L+10P)
  • Thesis Structure/ Critical Review for Consistency
  • Topic-Title (Review for need and sample size)
  • Research Title-Consistency with Objectives
  • Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) &
  • Expected Outcome/s and Statistical Analysis
  • Publication of Articles
  • Critical Review of Published Articles
Preparation of Data and Analysis Using EXCEL & SPSS (8L+7P)
  • EXCEL & SPSS – Managing Data Files & Analysis
  • Cleaning and Editing of Data

Note: Laptop is mandatory for the Participants.

Course Duration

Full Time: The course is 3 Weeks, 5 days a Week, 9 am to 5 pm.

Part Time: The course is 5 Weeks, 5 days a week (Monday to Friday) 2 to 5pm.

Scheme of Examination
On the last day of the course, Examination comprising one Theory and one Practical of three hours duration each will be arranged.
Full time participants will be assessed on each Monday as feedback, and the marks obtained will be treated as Internal Assessment.

Part Time Course Students will be assessed on 3rd and 5th Monday for Internal Assessment.

Interested participants can complete their practical assignments and research during the course or thereafter.

Faculty, Scholars, UG & PG students from Health, Medicine and Allied disciplines interested in research, or preparing for competitive examination will be eligible.

Maximum intake is 30 on First Come First Served basis.

The Certificates will be with grades

Grade Marks in Assessments
A ≥75% marks
B 60% but less than 75%
C 50% but less than 60%

Participants with <50% marks will have to appear for examination with the subsequent batch, to become eligible for Certificate.

Fees for the course

  • No fee for Ph.D. Scholars and PG & UG students deputed by Constituent Units of the KAHER, as part of regular University Curriculum, if the attendance is 100%. However, Rs. 2,000/- as a refundable deposit has to be made. For the absentees 500/- per day will be deducted from the refundable deposit of Rs. 2,000/-.
  • For other than KAHER deemed to be University participants, the fee for the course is 6,500/-.

Faculty in the Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics

S. No. Name Designation
1 Dr. B.S. Kodkany Director
2  Dr. J B Prasad Associate Professor
3 Dr. S. B. Javali Sr. Associate Professor
4 Dr. J.B. Prasad Assistant Professor
5 Dr. Rajeshwari Biradar Assistant Professor
6 Ms. Anushri P. Patil Lecturer
7 Mrs. Anjali Patil Lecturer
8 Dr. Anjali M. Joshi Field Research Officer

Contact Us

For more information, please feel to free contact:

Dr. Jang Bahadur Prasad
Associate Professor
Tel.No : – 0831-2444058
E-mail : biostat.kle@gmail.com