
Youth Red Cross

KLE Academy of Higher Education & Research, Belagavi

Youth  Red  Cross

red cross

History of Red Cross


Jean Henry Dunant, the “Founder of Red Cross” was born on 8th May, 1828 in Geneva, Switzerland. His father was a rich and reputed business man and his mother was a gentle and pious lady. She was responsible in moulding his character. Even at a very young age Dunant, became a member of league of the nations in Geneva to bring aid to the poor, sick and afflicted. He was a regular visitor to a city prison to help prison to help reform the prisoners.

The Birth of Red Cross
The story of Red Cross is an interesting episode in human history and it began in a place where there was an inhuman battle that armies of France and Italy were on one side and the Austrian army was on the other side. More than 3Lakh men faced each other in this battle which was fought on the 24th June, 1859. The battle held at “Solferino’, was a bitter one. It was fought for 15 hours. In the end the whole battlefield was strewn with the dead and the wounded. In those days the armies had few hospitals and few doctor’s assistance and were insufficient to look after the wounded soldiers and give them treatment.

Jean Henry Dunant while travelling on a business mission to meet Napoleon to obtain the permission to run corn mills in Algeria, on his way, saw the ghastly scene in the battlefield and he heard groans of wounded soldiers left to suffer without medical Aid.

By sunset Dunant forgot his business mission and started relief operation to all the wounded soldiers without any discrimination with the help of the local villagers. He picked up the wounded and brought them in ox-carts to ‘Castiglione’ and put them in private homes, churches, monasteries and barracks. He organized a band of volunteers to give medical relief to wounded soldiers of all nationalities.

Days passed and people forgot about the battle, but for Dunant the horrible scenes of the battle made such impression in his mind that he thought that two things were necessary to prevent futures suffering in human race.

  1. An international organization of volunteers should be formed in advance in all countries during peace time which should go into action immediately, on the break of war to help the wounded in the battlefield, irrespective of nationality.
  2. To make these work possible nations must sign on an international treaty declaring the wounded soldiers, the doctors and others are neutrals.

In 1862 Dunant published a book called “The Memory of Solferino” and distributed the copies to heads of the states, journalists and welfare institutions all over the world.

After reading this wonderful book, a charitable institution in Geneva called Geneva Public Welfare Society promised to help in his mission. A committee consisting of five persons with Dunant was formed to find ways and means of achieving the objective.

This committee met on 17th February 1863 and decided to convene an International conference at Geneva in October1863 to form an organization.

Later Dunant travelled all over the World and met the prominent persons to secure their support for his plans. As a result of his efforts leaders of other nations met at an international conference in Geneva on 26th October 1863 to discuss the proposals. 16 countries attended this conference and it was decided at this conference to set up an International Organization called the Society for Aid to Wounded soldiers, and the society later came to be called as the Red Cross society.

Dunant who struggled on with his Human Care, giving up his own livelihood for 40 years ago, set on foot for the growth of International Organization “Red Cross Society” for the relief of the wounded soldiers on the battlefield.

By 1876 he was completely broken and found it difficult even to survive. Then he disappeared from the public view and remained unknown for several years. Suddenly in 1887, he reappeared again in a little town of Heiden in Eastern Switzerland, and stayed in a small boarding home because he was very poor.

In 1895, a journalist who came to Heiden to see Dunant sought an interview and gave a him a wide publicity. The supreme humanitarian achievement of the 19” century the Nobel Committee awarded “First Nobel Prize” to Dunant in 1901. Till his death, He continued to stay in the charitable hospital. On Sunday, the 30th October 1910, Jean Henry Dunant, the founded of Red Cross, died at Heiden.

All over the world, the birth day of Henry Dunant, the 8th May is observed as “World Red Cross Day” every year.

The international organized “Red Cross Society” has become a source of universal hope and comfort it’s a whole time organization having both war time as well as peace time activities by “People helping People”. By its selfless service saved a millions of lives. The peace time activities are promoting humanitarian principal and values, Disaster Management, Promotion of Health, Maternity and Child welfare services, Family welfare services, Family Welfare services, Hospital services, Care of sick and wounded defense personnel, Blood Transfusion Services, Awareness Program about HIV/AIDS/TB/First Aid and Junior/Youth Red Cross activities are conducted in School/ Colleges to bring awareness about Red Cross activities.

Youth Red Cross Committee

Sl. No. Names Designation
01 Prof. Dr. Vivek A. Saoji,
Vice Chancellor, KAHER
02 Prof. Dr. V.D. Patil
Member Secretary
03 Dr. Ranjit Kangle,
Director, Student Welfare, KAHER
Nodal Officer
04 Dr. Vilas Pattar,
Assistant Director,  Student Welfare, KAHER
Assistant Nodal Officer
05 Dr. Avinash Kavi,
JNMC, Belagavi.
Programme Officer
06 Dr. Abhishak Mothimath,
KLE VKIDS, Belagavi
Programme Officer
07 Dr. Bhuvanashwari Sharannavar,
KLE College of Pharmacy, Belagavi.
Programme Officer
08 Dr. Santosh Metgud,
KLE Institute of Physiotherapy, Belagavi.
Programme Officer
09 Dr. Sanjeev Tonni,
KLE Shri B. M. Kankanwadi Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Belagavi.
Programme Officer
10 Dr. Supriya Kulkarni,
KLE Homeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Belagavi.
Programme Officer
11 Dr. Sanath Kumar Nyamgounda,
KLE College of Pharmacy, Hubballi.
Programme Officer
12 Dr. Mahaling K.
Institute of Nursing Sciences, Belagavi.
Programme Officer
13 Dr. Mamtha A.
KLE College of Pharmacy, Bengaluru.
Programme Officer
14 Mr. Ashok Badami, Chairman, Indian RED Cross Society, Belagavi Branch, Belagavi. Advisory Member

Rules & Regulations

Minutes of the Meetings


The Youth Red Cross is a most important constituent of its mother organization Indian Red Cross Society. YRC aims at inculcating the 7 fundamental principles of the Red Cross movement Viz., Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality, Independence, Voluntary Service, Unity and University. The Youth Red Cross is organized with a view to develop and deploy students youth resource for working towards these principles.

It also aims at inculcating in youth the ideals and practice of service especially in relation to:

  • Taking care of their own health and that of others.
  • Understanding and accepting civic responsibility,
  • Promotion of national and international understanding and goodwill by using their international link of the movement.
  • Promotion of volunteerism.

All Govt./ Aided/ Non-Aided First Grade Colleges, Engineering., Health, Sciences, agricultural, Horticultural, Veterinary Science, Forestry, Fisheries, Teacher Education, Law Colleges, Polytechnics and any recognized degree colleges shall apply to the Karnataka State Branch of the Indian Red Cross Society on the prescribed format for grant of affiliation by paying onetime fee which is presently Rs. 1500/-, The Indian Red Cross Society, Karnataka State Branch Shall with in a period of 30 days of the receipt of application shall issue a certificate of affiliation to the applicant.


All Students admitted to the Degree, Post Graduate and Diploma courses by virtue of their joining the college/ polytechnic, keeping attendance as per university rules and paying the Prescribed youth Red Cross fee shall become the members of the youth Red Cross of that college/Polytechnic.

Any member of YRC who can volunteer his/her time and talent for the cause of Youth Red Cross can become a core group volunteer upon making an application to and on selection by the Youth Red Cross Programmer Officer.

  1. The youth Red Cross units shall consist of 100 Core Group Volunteers or 33% of the total membership.
  2. A College/ institute may organized more than one YRC unit for every 300 or more students.
  3. Where the student strength is below 300, the ‘Youth Red Cross unit’ may consist of less number of volunteers.

Program officer shall be appointed by the Principal of the College.

  1. From among the members of the teaching faculty who has the required knowledge, attitude, skills and values that the job demands.
  2. Other things being equal, the Physical Instructor (or equivalent) or Librarian may also be appointed.
  3. Faculty Members appointed on ad-hoc basis may also be considered at the discretion of the principal.
  1. TENURE:

The term of appointment of Youth Red Cross Programme Officers will be 3 years in the first instance, extendable to another term subject to review of his performance by the Principal and University Youth Red Cross Nodal Officer.


While all the activities of the YRC are expected to be planned, executed and evaluated by

the volunteers themselves, the Program Officers shall guide them as friend and philosopher. As the leader of the team his/ her role is to help the team set the goal and set the volunteers towards the goal.

  1. The YRC Program Officers are entitled to OPA of Rs. 400/- p.m.
  2. In case of smaller units, the OPA entitlement will be 50% of the upper limit.

The YRC Unit shall conduct its day to day business by a duly constituted committee by selecting or electing 10 members among the core group volunteers.

The Managing Committee in its first meeting shall select or elect their students Vice Chairman, Secretary, Joint Secretary. The Program Officer Shall be the Chariperson.


At the college level there shall be an advisory committee consisting of

  1. Principal – Chairperson
  2. Program Officer -Secretary
  3. One faculty member
  4. Students Vice Chairman
  5. Student Secretary
  6. One representative from District/ Taluk Branch of IRCS.

Adequate representation of woman to be ensured wherever applicable.


The committee will meet at least twice a year

  1. To plan and review Youth Red Cross activities.
  2. To approve YRC Budget.
  3. To prepare action plan.
  4. To advice on YRC related programs and activities.
  5. To address YRC related issues and problems.

It shall be the responsibility of the college to maintain separate accounts of the youth Red

Cross fee received and ensure its periodic audit by a Chartered Accountant or as per Govt./ grant-in-aid/ institutional norms as applicable. The institute/college shall submit audited statement of account to the Nodal Officer.


Out of the fee of Rs. 50/- collected from each student.

  1. 15/- shall be credited to the State Branch of IRCS, KSB, Bengaluru. Out of Rs. 15/- receivable by the IRCS, KSB, Rs. 5/- per student shall be remitted to each University/Directorate for meeting the expenses on payment of honorarium etc., and conveying annual meeting of YRC Programme Officers for planning and review of Youth Red Cross activities.
  2. 35/- shall remain with the college for program Development of the Youth Red Cross.

The following items of expenditure shall be considered as valid under the program development.

  • Travel cost of Program Officers, Resource Persons and Volunteers.
  • Project related expenses.
  • Out of pocket allowance to Youth Red Cross Program Officer.
  • Postage and Printing.
  • Purchase of stationery, small equipment’s and other contingent expenses needed to run the office.
  • Refreshment/working lunch to volunteers.
  • Training cost of volunteers not exceeding Rs. 100/- per diem.
  • Honorarium to resource persons not exceeding Rs. 500/- per person.
  • Part time clerical assistance at Rs. 150/- p.m.

Core group volunteers on completion of two years of volunteership and assigned tasks and targets shall be issued with a certificates by the university (Specimen annexed).


The following records and registers are to be maintained by the YRC Unit.

  1. Youth Red Cross unit record.
  2. Cash Book.
  3. Inventory register.
  4. Volunteer work diary.

The State, District and Taluk Branch of the IRCS shall provide all the needed information expertise and consultancy services to the Youth Red Cross in their jurisdiction. At the same time the YRC Units need to keep contacts with the above offices for smooth and proper implementation of the programme.


At the University/Directorate level there shall be a Nodal Officer on part time basis to guide, supervise, monitor, administer and control the YRC Units. The YRC Nodal officers shall be appointed by the vice Chancellor of the University/ Head of the Directorate.

The following upper limit is fixed for payment of out of pocket allowance/ Honorarium/ Part Time
Allowance and other contingent expenses of the Youth Red Cross Nodal Officer.

Out of Pocket Allowance         -800/-
Fixed travel allowance             -600/-
Cell phone charges                  -350/-
Stationery & Contingencies     -500/-
Clerical Assistance                   -250/-
Total Amount                      – 2,500/-


The University Advisory Committee on Youth Red Cross shall be an apex body at the University level to guide and monitor the activities of YRC. The committee shall be constituted by the Vice Chancellor as Chair person and shall consist of:
Vice Chancellor/Director                                             Chairperson
Regional Head of Collegiate Education                                   Member
One Principal                                                               Member
One representative nominated from the state branch   Member
of the Indian Red cross Society
One YRC Programe Officer                                         Member
One male and Female YRC volunteer                          Members
YRC University/Directorate Nodal Officer                  Member Secretary
The Committee shall meet at least twice a year for Planning the Programs and undertake evaluation.


Most of the Departments have youth component built into their developmental planning both as a strategy and for building human resource for the effective implementation of their schemes.

In order to liaise and co-ordinate with these departments, the State Government may consider to constitute a committee as they deem fit.


A minimum of two blood donation camp in a year should be organized by motivating donors from the members of YRC, NCC, NSS, Rovers and Rangers, Sports, Red Ribbon Clubs etc., AT least 33% of core group members should donate blood during the 2 years period of their volunteer ship. For details see Annexure IV (as for as possible blood donation camp must be conducted along with IRCS blood bank /government hospital blood bank only).


Observation of the following days by way of organized meetings and displays are the minimum mandatory activities of the Youth Red Cross.
January                        12        National youth Day
April                07        World Health Day
May                 08        World Red Cross Day
June                 05        World Environment Day
August             12        Geneva Convention Day
October            01        Voluntary Blood Donor’s Day
October            30        Death anniversary of Jean Henry Dunant
December        01        World Aids Day
December        05        International Volunteers Day


IRCS, KSB will provide this book to all the affiliated YRC units every year for the purpose of documentation and maintenance. The unit record is a comprehensive cumulative register which contains the following entries/templates.

Sl. No. Description
1. Details of core group volunteer of the YRC Unit
2. Details of YRC Managing Committee and list of Advisory Committee Members
3. Resolution of the Advisory Committee Meetings
4. Resolution of the YRC Managing Committee
5. Budget of YRC
6. Report of orientation of Volunteers
7. Report on training on First Aid
8. Report on training DM & P
9. Report on training on soft skills & competencies
10. Details of Volunteers donated blood
11. Details of other donated blood
12. Report on the days observed
13. Inventory of stock
14. Projects undertaken or completed
15. Innovative program and best practices
16. On campus activities
17. Out campus /outreach programs
18. Deputation of volunteer of other programs
19. Performance of volunteer
20. Visitors opinion
21. Press clippings
22. Academic performance of volunteers

It is an optional activity for those who complete 2 years of volunteer ship. The ideal period of intern ship/ attachment will be the break between any two semesters.

The idea is to familiarize the volunteer/s who by now have been sensitized on humanitarian service to apply their knowledge to field situations and to have an inter face with the community. It will be of duration of 7 days which can be completed as a week-long activity or on holidays and weekends that may be spread over, not more than a period of one month.

The place or agency for attachment/ internship may be identified by the volunteer himself or by the YRC Unit subject to approval of the Youth Red Cross Programme Officers.


  1. Hospital/Dispensaries/Clinics/Pharmacies/Nursing Home
  2. Blood Banks/Pathological Laboratories
  3. Fire Station/ Traffic Control-Road Safety
  4. Old Age Homes /Rescue and Rehabilitation Center/ Beggar colonies
  5. Opening Help Desk at Railway station, Bus Stand and at any civic service centers.

Minimum attachments shall be for 56 hours spread over 7 days and to be certified as such by the concerned agency.

Annexure-I Training on first aid
Annexure-II Training on Disaster Management and Preparedness
Annexure-III Training on minimum Skills and Competencies
Annexure-IV Information on blood Donation

Red Cross Activities

Red Cross Activities